To bring even more fun to the world of Rotary, our club has developed a collection of colourful stickers for WhatsApp and Viber!
Chat stickers can liven up the conversation. They can be used as a Call-to-Action, as a way of connecting with fellow Rotarians across the globe, and as powerful tools in raising awareness for various causes (polio eradication, supporting the environment, water and sanitation, community development, etc).
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: How do I get hold of the stickers from your first collection (shown above)?
A: Send a WhatsApp + Viber message to our friend and designer Alen Duka on +38598516852 and we’ll get them right over to you!
If you like our stickers you may wish to support our work by making a small donation to our account. Please note that DONATIONS ARE DISCRETIONARY and any funds raised will go towards our projects supporting youth and education. For more information on our work supporting youth, education and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) excellence, please visit: raSTEMo!
Q: I would like to have custom stickers made for my Rotary club /my project/ event or fundraiser?
A: We’d love to hear from you. Contact us via
Payment details
Rotary E-klub Hrvatska – donacijski račun
IBAN: HR94 2340 0091 5106 0902 5
or via PayPal account:
Q: As the fifth, unwritten question of the Four-Way Test says: “Is it FUN?”
A: You bet!
Some examples of customised stickers: