You are cordially invited by Rotary E-Club Croatia to a charity E-concert, which will broadcast live on a YouTube channel on Monday, May 4th, at 20.00 CET!
Three of our world-renowned musicians – guitarist Petrit Çeku, pianist Martina Filjak and cellist Kajana Pačko – will perform and broadcast from their homes.
Donations collected at this charity concert will be used to help the renovation of the concert hall and the building of the Croatian Music Institute, which suffered enormous damage as a result of the recent earthquake in Zagreb.
Here is how you can listen to the E-concert from your homes:
1. “Buy a ticket”, i.e. donate the recommended amount of HRK 100,- (€ 15,-) or more, by Sunday, May 3rd, to:
Account name: Rotary E-Club Croatia E-concert
IBAN: HR0723400091511068625
Privredna banka Zagreb d.d. Zagreb, Radnička cesta 50
2. Send an email to with your full name. We will send you a link to the E-concert one hour before the broadcast begins.
The entire amount raised through ticket sales, i.e. the donations, will be passed on in full to the Croatian Music Institute.
After the E-concert, from 21.00 CET onwards, we invite you to an E-socialising with the performers, Rotary members and representatives of the Croatian Music Institute. This will take place via the Microsoft Teams platform. At that time we will also announce the amount of donations collected.
If you would like to participate in the E-socialising, we recommend that you pre-install the Microsoft Teams app on your mobile devices, and we will send you the link for the E-socialising together with the E-concert link.
Hoping that you will join us on May 4th and support our renowned musicians in their aim to help rebuild the damaged “temple of music”, we thank you very much in advance for your participation and your donations and look forward to seeing you soon!
The current state of the building of the Croatian Music Institute:
Performers’ biographies:
Facebook event: